
Actionable insights on life, leadership & everything in-between.

Not Just Another New Year Pep Talk✌🏽
Ife Shoola Ife Shoola

Not Just Another New Year Pep Talk✌🏽

Whether you believe in New Year goals/resolutions or not, I want to offer three things you might find helpful to journey in the next few days. One is enough, but it is even better if you have all three.

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2023 Recap & Review
Ife Shoola Ife Shoola

2023 Recap & Review

Every year, I spend some time reflecting, journaling, and setting the mood for the new year. Three years ago, I started publishing these thoughts online (because well, that's what you do when you start a blog). Instead of making a list of accomplishments or lessons learned this year, I'm doing something different.

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Why you need a coach (and other Coaching FAQs)
Ife Shoola Ife Shoola

Why you need a coach (and other Coaching FAQs)

Counseling and therapy typically focus on addressing and resolving past traumas or psychological issues, while coaching is more future-oriented and goal-driven. Counseling often involves giving advice, sometimes based on the professional’s personal experiences, whereas, coaching does not. Mentorship is usually a one-sided relationship where the mentor provides guidance and advice, while coaching is a collaborative partnership between two individuals.

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Sunk Costs and Opportunity Costs
Miscellaneous Ife Shoola Miscellaneous Ife Shoola

Sunk Costs and Opportunity Costs

Both sunk costs and opportunity costs are part of everyday life, and not just in an economics class. They influence decision-making and, sometimes, explain our actions, such as why it is difficult to quit a job even when one hates it or why it is so hard to part with our old clothes even when they don't fit anymore.

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